Czech Mountains » Giant mountains » Janské Lázně

Janské Lázně

Mountain town, recreation centre and the only one spa in the Czech part of Giant mountains. The streams was founded in 14th century. The founder of spa was the count Jan Adolf Schwarzenberg in the 17th century.

The big boom of spa continued from middle of 19th century to beginning of 20th century. At the area of spa occur about 30 streams and many spa objects.

Interesting are the spa colonnade from the end of 19th century and pseudo-gothic church of St. Jan Křtitel from the year 1885. Near the town towers the Černá mountain. On the slopes there is situated a famous ski centre. From Janské Lázně to the top of Černá mountain goes the cabin funicular.

Infocentre - Černohorská 85, 542 25 Janské Lázně, tel./fax: +420-499 875 161

Infocentre - Černohorská 265, 542 25 Janské Lázně, tel.: +420-499 875 186, e-mail:

Jánské LázněJánské Lázně
Sight of the spa
Spa Jánské LázněSpa Jánské Lázně
Spa colonnade